• Public : Managers, sales directors, sales managers, department heads.
  • Price : €5200 excluding VAT for a group of up to 10 people
  • Access time : 2 weeks
  • Accessible for people with reduced mobility
  • Prerequisites : None.
  • Duration : 4 days (28 hours)
  • Updated on : 30/01/2023

– Adopt the right behavior and actions in the case of an aggression
– Be able to de-escalate and temper crisis situations
– Encourage a return to calm and discussion
– Understand personal protection regulations

Mobilized skills
– Anticipate excesses and the point of no return to avoid aggression
– Maintain exchange and dialogue with the protagonist
– Involve the protagonist to find solutions together
– Control your body and know what to do to preserve your physical integrity

Evaluation methods
– Trainee positioning at the start of the course
– Trainee assessment using the following methods: On-the-spot assessment, quizzes and role-plays
– Follow-up and support for trainees throughout the course, using the following methods: quizzes and MCQs

Methods employed
– Knowledge transfer: Videos, comprehensive training aids
– Co-construction between participants: group discussions, case studies, individual quizzes
– Immersion: trainee situations, observations and debriefings, optimization of actions, corrective action, demonstration.

DAY 1 : Situation analysis and decision-making

  • Different situations of aggression and their level of danger.
  • Behaviors to adopt, causes of outbursts.


Practice :

  • Video viewing, case studies and debriefing.

DAY 2 : How to behave

  • Analysis of physical capacities (strength and flexibility) and the range of possibilities adapted to them.
  • Analysis of mental capacities, reflexes and affect to determine possible intervention strategies.
  • Avoidance, positioning, disengagement and stopping techniques.
  • Management of piercing weapons.
  • Identification of vulnerable points/areas.
  • Self-control, analysis of the environment and management of adrenaline production.


Practice :

  • Role-playing and debriefing.

DAY 3 : Talking in crisis situations, managing emotions

  • Why negotiate.
  • How to maintain dialogue.
  • Anticipating points of no return and assessing risks.
  • Active listening techniques (reformulation, empathy, emotional de-escalation, etc.).
  • How to deal with emotionally disturbed personalities.


Practice :

  • Role-playing and case simulation.

DAY 4 : How to manage a person within the law

  • The law and self-defense.
  • How to preserve your integrity and the integrity of your attacker.


Practice :

  • Feedback and legal framework from a law enforcement officer.
  • Application in simulated cases – the right gestures to adopt – training.